Bag Filters

Bag Filters

Bag filters are surface filters typically used for contamination concentrations above 100mg/L and usually permit greater flow rates than cartridge filters.

Surface filters have less dirt holding capacity than depth filters, but they may be washed and reused to a certain extent.

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Sizes Operating Limits
Diameter 7”
Length 17” sgl length & 32” dbl length
Retention RatingsNominal 1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100µm
MaterialsMedia fabric Polypropylene (welded)
Ring Polypropylene
Temperature 0oC – 75oC Pressure ≤ 4 bar @ 20oC


Model Dia Length Retention
BFS01 7” 17” 1 µm
BFS05 7” 17” 5 µm
BFD01 7” 32” 1 µm
BFD05 7” 32” 5 µm
BFD10 7” 32” 10 µm
BFD20 7” 32” 20 µm
BFD50 7” 32” 50 µm
BFD100 7” 32” 100 µm


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